'PTI ready to sit for constitutional amendment for elections at once'

'PTI ready to sit for constitutional amendment for elections at once'


Sanctity of Imran's Zaman Park residence violated

LAHORE (Dunya News) – Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Farrukh Habib said on Sunday the party was ready to sit in the parliament to debate amendments in the constitution if the government was interested in holding elections at once in the country.

Talking to the media along with PTI leader Musarrat Jamshed Cheema, he said the party’s leaders and workers were being maltreated adding that the sanctity of Mr Khan’s house was violated. “We are prepared to approach the Lahore High Court (LHC) [against it]”, he added. We held the police responsible, he said, and we would take legal action.

He said the party wanted peaceful elections adding that the government was afraid of elections. “This is not a caretaker government but a government of those who are taking care”, he added. we would not support, he said, any kind of violence.

Ms Cheema claimed that a plan was underway to conduct a grand operation at Mr Khan’s Zaman Park residence adding that his house was attacked on Saturday and his wife Bushra Bibi was alone at home at that time. “PTI workers are ready to face any situation”, she added. If anything happened again, she said, the government would be responsible, and it was trying to gutter PTI’s rally [at Minar-e-Pakistan].

Advocate Azhar Siddique said the caretaker government had agreed to grant permission for PTI’s election rallies. “Whatever happened at Zaman Park on Saturday was akin to contempt of court and illegal”, he added. Former PM Nawaz Sharif’s arrest warrants were not acted upon, he said, and he left the country against surety bonds worth Rs50. Two police personnel were supposed to bring the search warrants but they brought 2000 police personnel [instead], he added further.